7 Ways to Get Motivated and Crush Your Health Goals

What is that feeling in the air? Why, it's spring, of course!

After a long and, for many, rough winter, so many of us are looking forward to a spring of new beginnings, reconnecting with favorite activities, and restoring health that may have suffered during so many months of social distancing and isolation.

If it seems like getting back on track (or upping your game) is out of reach, read on. You can do it — take it one day at a time, and refuse failure as an option!

1. Set small, achievable goals.
A common reason for defeat is setting goals that are simply too extreme. If you start small and set your sights on incremental achievements, you will enjoy regular victories, which fuel your spirit and reinforce good habits. For example, rather than a goal of walking 5 miles a day, set an initial goal of 1 mile. Then 2. Then 3. You get the picture.

2. Celebrate each success along the way.
With every achievement comes renewed motivation to continue to improve and succeed! Acknowledge your successes and allow them to inspire you to continue on your healthy journey.

3. Remember your reason.
Why is it important to be healthy? To live longer? To stay active as you age? To perform better mentally and physically? Recall how strong the motivation was in the beginning and why. Reach back to that emotional state, and remember those thoughts and feelings you felt. This often helps curb temptation for fast food or junky sweets.

4. Keep reading.
Whether a book, a monthly magazine, a trip to the library, or your favorite blog, maintain an arsenal of reading materials that inspire you and make you feel positive about healthy living.

5. Establish a motivating morning ritual.
What you do in the morning will dictate how you feel and the decisions you make for the rest of the day. It is often tempting to hit the snooze or turn on the TV first thing, but studies show that just 5 minutes of stretching in the morning sets the tone for positivity and better decision making the rest of the day. Other motivating rituals: making your bed, going for a walk, meditating, or doing yoga.

6. Engage with a buddy.
Make a pact to encourage each other during hard times. Establish goals you can both achieve together, as well as personal goals that you can inspire each other to complete.

7. Make the right choice the easy choice.
What are your biggest barriers to success? Are you tired in the morning, preventing you from your morning walk? Are you just too tempted by the chocolate in your cupboard? Think about ways you can embrace healthy habits without extra effort. In the morning, set your exercise clothes out and set up your alarm with your favorite workout music. Remove temptations like sweets from your kitchen or desk, and have fresh fruit, nuts, and other healthy snacks on the ready.