3 Ways to Reach Your Goals for Good

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.” I do believe that with the proper mindset and right toolbox, we truly can accomplish anything. This mindset must be fueled by power and a true desire to achieve your goal.

Are you committed to reaching your goals? If so, it’s time to infuse those goals with power to achieve success. Here’s how to do it.

STEP 1: Identify your goals.

This is harder than it sounds. The best goals are SMART — an acronym for the criteria traditionally used when setting, well, smart goals!





Time bound

S = Specific. “Lose weight” is not specific; “Lose 10 pounds” is specific.

M = Measurable. “Improve jump-roping” is not measurable; “Jump rope for a minute nonstop” is measurable/trackable.

A = Achievable. “Never eat bread again” is not achievable for most bread lovers; “Limit bread to weekends only” is achievable.

R = Relevant. Is the goal related to your purpose? Is it consistent with other lifestyle goals?

T = Time bound. What is your deadline? Set an end time and stick to it.

STEP 2: Establish your level of commitment.

For each of your goals, write down reasons why you are 100%, absolutely, totally committed to achieving the goal. Use this handy sheet as a guide. Envision success! Focus in on your desired outcome, and list the positive benefits of successfully reaching the goal, as well as the negative costs of NOT reaching your goal. Use to this sheet as a tool as you navigate along your journey of challenges.

Step 3: Prioritize your goals.

Achieving goals requires changes in behavior. And behavioral science experts tell us that tackling just one behavior change at a time is key to permanent, successful habit change. So decide which goal is your top priority, and work on mastering that goal before launching on the next one. Research suggests that it takes about 66 days for a new behavior to become a habit. Slow and steady wins the race!

Whether you’re using Diet ID’s digital daily coaching platform or another tool, the right solution for you is the one that guides you to the results you want, the goals you set, and leads to ultimate success.