Healthy Eating Index 2020

Diet Id uses science-based quality scoring.

Diet ID determines the quality of your diet using a robustly researched and validated algorithm called the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) 2020. This tool scores diet patterns on a scale of 0-100 (100 is the highest score). It takes into account 13 components (food groups and nutrients) that correlate with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which reflects the current body of nutrition science and is designed to help design a healthful diet.

Dietary Pattern #1

HEI Score = 94 Diet ID Quality Score = 9/10


Dietary Pattern #2

HEI Score = 25
Diet ID Quality Score = 2/10


Dietary Pattern #3

HEI Score = 43
Diet ID Quality Score = 4/10


Diet ID derives its diet quality scores (represented as a 1 to 10 scale) using HEI analysis, but calculates ranges to account for variations in intake patterns for each diet type. Once you select the diet that is closest to how you eat, you have a really good idea of your diet quality and what that means for your overall health.

HEI circle diagram.png

Because diet quality correlates so strongly to disease risk and health outcome measures in the scientific literature, the HEI-2020 helps assess risk of chronic disease and risk of dying. Various research models have predicted health improvements and projected healthcare cost savings that result from increasing diet quality. Each step closer to eating a diet that aligns with Dietary Guidelines recommendations can help reduce the risk of developing diet-related chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

Download our printable one-pager (PDF).

For more information:

HEI Update 2020
How the HEI is Scored
HEI Scores for Americans
Healthy Eating Index Resources