Dr. Katz’s proposed framework for risk-based interdiction of coronavirus for #totalharmminimization
Dr. Katz has been advocating for a data-driven approach to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Below is a list of writings and interviews to support this initiative.
Yahoo! Finance Interview, 6/13/20
With Sarah Hiner of Bottom Line Inc., 6/1/20
Yahoo! Finance Interview, 5/15/20
Rich Roll Podcast (with video), 5/7/20
Dr. David L. Katz How New Information Should Drive Policy, 5/6/20
CNN Interview, 5/3/20
Lecture for USC Gehr Family Center for Health Science and Innovation, 4/30/20
New York Times op-ed by Thomas Friedman, mentioning Dr. Katz’s plan, 4/25/20
Real Time with Bill Maher, 4/24/20
Medium article on why rates in US may differ from other countries, 4/16/20
John Kirby of Journeyman Pictures talks with Dr. David L. Katz, 4/14/20
Naturally Savvy Interview, 4/10/20
Octavian Report podcast, 4/3/20
Interview for Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/1/20
Boston Public Radio WGBH, 3/30/20
CNN’s Smerconish, 3/28
LinkedIn Commentary, 3/27/20
KTLA 5 Morning News, 3/27/20
New York Times Op Ed by Thomas Friedman, 3/26/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 3/25/20
PBS interview with Dr. David L. Katz, 3/24/20
New York Times Op Ed by Thomas Friedman, 3/22/20
New York Times Op Ed by David Katz, 3/20/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 3/16/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 3/13/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 3/11/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 3/9/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 3/8/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 2/28/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 2/14/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 2/7/20
Medium Article, 2/27/20
LinkedIn Commentary, 1/31/20